June Newsletter

June Newsletter

The submission window for Eco-Schools Green Flag applications closes on July 31!

From community tree planting to World Book Day swap shops, we’ve been blown away by this year’s applications so far. We’re inspired and energised by your amazing work. Our next Eco-Schools Impact Report is going to contain some amazing stories! And don’t forget, as part of our partnership with JUST ONE Tree, we’re planting a tree for each school that achieves an Eco-Schools Green Flag.

For schools that haven’t yet submitted, you still have time to work on existing projects or deliver new ones, before adding them to your application. To help you get over the line, we’ve created a list of 10 projects – one for each eco-topic – that can be delivered between now and the end of term. Check out the list here.

Read on for more information about our simple application process, our digital awards pack, two upcoming partner projects, and an update on how you can support the development of our new schools carbon footprint calculator. Finally, we’ll be looking forward to some of the exciting developments that we have in store for 2023-2024.

How to Complete and Submit your Eco-Schools Green Flag Application

Check out our simple video-guide, visualising the process for completing and submitting your Eco-Schools Green Flag application.

The Digital Awards Pack

To further celebrate your success, we’ve compiled a pack of additional content and offers. The pack includes social media assets that you can use to celebrate online, an editable press release for local media, and discounts from some of our amazing partners such as: 20% off and free delivery from the RSPB shop, 30% off reusable glue sticks from Learn Play Nexus, and a 35% discount on selected books from Welbeck and Peters.

Support the Delivery of Our New Carbon Footprint Calculator for Schools

Eco-Schools is working with Let’s Go Zero to develop a free-to-use, online carbon footprint calculator for schools, that will map across all 3 ‘emission scopes’. Schools will be able to input information and data, which will then be used to produce a bespoke carbon emissions report and a personalised Climate Action Plan.

In some cases, a school might not be able to provide a particular data point. We’ll therefor use an average figure for a school of your type and size. In order to help us set these averages, we’re asking all Eco-Schools to take 15 minutes with their site and business managers to complete our data survey.

All schools that complete the survey will also be entered in to a prize draw to win the following:

  • 10 schools will receive a personalised carbon footprint analysis by our developers, Arete Zero Carbon, this Summer.
  • 5 schools will get the get their Eco-Schools Green Flag accreditation for free this Summer. If you’ve already paid, we’ll reimburse you!

Go Plastic Free this July!

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution leaving us with cleaner streets, oceans, and communities. The Plastic Free July website contains plenty of considered and useful information alongside case studies that will help you reduce plastic in the school canteen, the classroom, and even pupil’s homes.

The Big Butterfly Count

The Big Butterfly Count is nationwide citizen science survey which helps to assess the health of our environment. It begins on Friday 14th July 2023 and asks you to take 3 simple steps: Get ready by downloading the butterfly ID chart; Join in by choosing a place to spot and recording what butterfly species you see for 15 minutes; Add your count on their free app!

What’s New for 2023/2024?

Throughout the Summer months, the Eco-Schools Team will be working on a variety of  updates to the Eco-Schools programme including:

  • A directory-style resource linking to 50 high quality eco-projects that you can tackle in 2023-2024 all counting towards your Eco-Schools application.
  • Refreshed Eco-Schools 7 Step videos to share with your new Eco-Committee.
  • A new streamlined application for school’s renewing their Eco-Schools Green Flag.
  • The second year of our national Cut Your Carbon campaign which will now take place during November.
  • New resources including a new Healthy Living project co-developed with the Bupa Foundation.

If you have any ideas for how we can help more schools engage more young people in more environmental actions please get in touch: eco-schools@keepbritaintidy.org

Enjoy the sun, and good luck with your Green Flag applications!

The Eco-Schools Team