Share Eco-Schools Work

Thank you for sharing your Eco-Schools Work – in doing so you are helping to provide school staff and students across England with the drive, confidence and inspiration to complete their own Eco-Schools work and have a positive impact on our planet!

Share your Eco-Schools work

Tell us about the amazing topic work your Eco-School has been undertaking and help inspire other Eco-Coordinators and Eco-Committees.

  • Or website address of specific eco-page or electronic eco-board if available.
  • If you have one, to tag your school in a social media post.
  • If you have one, to tag your school in a social media post.
  • If you have one, to tag your school in a social media post.
  • In the box below please provide a brief description of the work you have completed (between 100 & 200 words is perfect) and would like to share on the Eco-Schools website. Please try to include details of why and how the project was decided on, actions completed and any impacts. This text will be edited before appearing on the Eco-Schools website.
  • Alongside this completed form please also include a good quality & relevant accompanying photograph. Whilst we love seeing and displaying images of young people completing environmental actions this is optional. Your photograph does not have to include images of young people if your school’s safeguarding or data protection policies prevents this. Please make sure any images provided comply with your data protection policies.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 20 MB.
    • By submitting the following example (including accompanying photograph) I confirm that Eco-Schools England has permission and consent to display the image, share details of our Eco-Schools project and link to our school website to promote Keep Britain Tidy and Eco-Schools in their own printed and digital media formats including publications, presentations, promotional materials, websites, films, social media, in the advertising and/or promotion of Keep Britain Tidy’s charitable work or on Keep Britain Tidy’s/ Eco-Schools’ website throughout the world. It also confirms that I do not object to Keep Britain Tidy storing copies of photographs, text and contact details in case it needs to contact me about photographs, text and the use of them. I waive any right that I may have to approve final images and confirm I do not expect to receive any fee from Keep Britain Tidy or Eco-Schools. I confirm that I have read this form prior to submitting, and that I fully understand the contents. You have the right to ask Keep Britain Tidy and Eco-Schools to stop using images, in which case the image(s) will not be used in any future promotional materials, but may continue to be available in materials already in circulation. All data will only be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy:

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