Energy #EcoSchoolsAtHome Frugi 10 day challenge
It is day two of the Frugi 10 day topic challenge for #EcoSchoolsAtHome, which today will be shining a light on the Energy topic. Remember each daily challenge is designed to be undertaken either in school or at home, and are suitable for any age from preschool to college.
Download HERE Energy #EcoSchoolsAtHome Frugi Challenge
Remember, completing our #EcoSchoolsAtHome challenges can be used as evidence towards our international Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, but here are some more examples of Energy topic actions carried out by our schools in England:
- Appoint energy monitors (Energizers) to check lights and other electrical devices are turned off when your nursery or school is closed. In no time at all, we promise your pupils will be doing the same at home – they will love their new ‘power!’
- Begin an Eco-Class of the Term Award for the year group (or subject department) that remembers to switch off all lights, computers and electrical devices in their classroom. Involve your school maintenance team by asking them to feedback this information to your Eco-Committee as part of Step 6: Monitoring and Evaluation.
- Set your school the challenge of spending a whole day using no electricity. This is going to take a lot of planning, but is a great way to raise awareness and get the whole school community involved in your Eco-Schools work. We know it can be done: our national Energy Topic Award winning Eco-School spent a whole week not using electricity in school!!!
More About Frugi and Energy
Frugi’s factory owners in India have been exploring ways to make their buildings more eco-friendly by using solar power, wind turbines and rain water harvesting. Even our organic cotton farmers often make their own soil fertiliser using cow dung and the methane gas which is produced from the dung is used as fuel for the farmer’s cooking stoves!
Frugi and Eco-Schools are also extremely excited to announce that from September Frugi will also be funding the Green Flag fees for up to 150 schools in England; from Early Years Foundation (3-5), Primary Schools (5-11) all the way through to Secondary and Further Education (12-18). Check out the Eco-Schools website for more information in the new school year!