Empty Classroom Day 2017
Empty Classroom Day 2016 (17 June) was a huge success, with more than 2,000 schools and 250,000 schoolchildren involved across the UK.
The day was to celebrate outdoor learning and play: schools chose their own activities for the day. Schools had to commit to one class spending one lesson outside, but most did much more.
Did you know that this year:
-The average school took 169 pupils outside, so more than five classes of 30 children each
-31% of schools who participated in Empty Classroom Day spent the whole day outside
Many schools shared photos of the day and it looks like everyone had lots of fun.
That’s why we are already thinking about next year!
Empty Classroom Day will be on 18 May, 2017.
Please save the date and we will bring you more news as soon as we can. You can even sign up for the day now.
Be prepared to spend more time outdoors for more fun and learning!