Net Zero Heroes

How to become your school’s Net Zero Heroes

By 2025, schools are expected to have a dedicated sustainability lead – or a team of sustainability leads – and a Climate Action Plan, mapping out their sustainability journey.

For many schools, this is daunting. From restraints on time and resource, to a lack of confidence in their ‘climate literacy’, many schools don’t feel ready to meet this expectation.

The DfE will issue guidance for creating Climate Action Plans – we’ll add the link here when it’s published – but there won’t be one ‘cover-all’ template. Schools are too varied, with bespoke factors at each site to take into account.

This guide aims to alleviate those fears and reservations by outlining 10 simple and realistic steps that schools can take. From forming your ‘squad’ to enlisting pupil power, we outline what you can do and how you can do it, linking to some great resources and guides.

Remember, taking the first step is always the hardest, but once you do, you’ll be running in no time!

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