Get Ready for Another Action-Packed Year!

Get Ready for Another Action-Packed Year!

Mark your calendars! The next school year is brimming with exciting new opportunities, making it the perfect time to jump on board or revisit your Eco-Schools journey. Here’s a sneak peek at what we have coming up! 

Eco-Schools for Nurseries 

September will see the launch of ‘Eco-Schools for Nurseries’, our all-new programme designed specifically for nursery and pre-school settings. More information will be available soon, so watch this space! 

Improved carbon calculator 

We’ve listened! Based on your feedback, we’ve made Count Your Carbon even better. Now it’s easier than ever to calculate your school’s carbon footprint and develop a clear climate action plan. Get ready to see these exciting changes! 

FREE carbon literacy training 

For the first time ever, sustainability leads participating in Eco-Schools will be able to access FREE carbon literacy training to support them with the delivery and implementation of your school’s climate action plans! This invaluable training will be a part of this year’s Cut Your Carbon campaign and will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to champion climate action in your school. Spaces will be limited, so be sure to check back when the campaign is announced in September to make sure you don’t miss out! 

Bigger and better activities 

Cut Your Carbon will be back this November! It’s a great opportunity for pupils to act and start putting their school’s climate action plan into practice and reduce their carbon footprint both at school and home! Check out the Cut Your Carbon page to find out more. 

The Great Big School Clean returns in spring 2025! It’s a fantastic opportunity for students to become active citizens, making a real difference in their communities by helping clean up the local environment. 

Revamped resources 

As always, many of our fantastic resources will receive a refresh based on the amazing feedback you give us throughout the year. So, thank you for helping us make the programme even better! 

We’re also expanding our directory of eco-projects with 100 practical eco-actions to get you started and make your nursery, school, or college even more sustainable. 

Celebrating success! 

See the incredible impact those taking part have made!  Our annual Impact Report, released in September, showcases the incredible collective achievements of all Eco-Schools that took part in 2023/24. 

Don’t miss out! Register now and start your Eco-Schools journey in September!